Productive! Show videos

Michael Sliwinski — №8 with Jason Fried

As always, here are the three new (and very short) Productive! Show videos to help, inspire, and motivate you to get even more done.

Travel light with carry-on only (Episode #32)

You can travel with only a carry-on luggage for a week and even 2-week long business trips. In this episode I’m showing you step-by-step how to prepare a packing list, what you need and how to pack it into one carry-on (and it only weights 10kg!)

My simple email setup with IMAP (Episode #8)

When I switched my platform from Windows to Mac I re-evaluated my email setup and I found I was using the “good old POP3″ when there is an IMAP which keeps my email synchronized between my Mac, iPhone and the Web. I also found out I only need 3 folders to get it to zero.

Interview with Jason Fried

Jason Fried of 37 Signals talk about business, productivity, team-building and creating great stuff.

Hope you enjoyed these short productivity videos. Click here to browse all episode archives.

Michael sliwinski

Michael Sliwinski

Michael Sliwinski is the editor of the Productive! Magazine, the founder of Nozbe (a time and project management application for busy professionals), and a best-selling author of the #iPadOnly book.

Visit Michael's blog Follow @MSliwinski on Twitter Check out his book: #iPadOnly