From the Editor

Michael Sliwinski — №27 with Tomasz Szymanski

I’ve been thinking lately about perfectionism. Laura Stack mentions it in her article in this issue of the magazine, too. It is quite a popular term to use and it has its place in the informal language. However, when one reads a little about this problem, it turns out that perfectionism is a really serious thing. It might lead to the loathing of yourself and others.

Can perfectionism help you?

Some people think that striving for perfection might be a good way to motivate ourselves for reaching ambitious goals. I wouldn’t agree. The desire to excel shouldn’t be confused with the desire to be perfect. My experiences and observations tell me that the latter only has negative implications. Paul Hewitt (PhD) from the University of British Columbia, and psychologist, Gordon Flett (PhD) have found that “perfectionism correlates with depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other mental health problems.”

What is perfectionism?

Perfectionism means putting pressure on ourselves to meet high standards, which then strongly influences our self-esteem.

Don’t get me wrong — setting of high standards for oneself doesn’t have to be something dangerous. Getting outside our comfort zones is great and is the only way we can develop. However, every time a person wants to do something new or difficult and achieve a perfect result — she is going to suffer.

There are three stages of a perfectionists’ behavior — it is worth to taking a closer look at each of them to be able to deal with the problem:

It starts with the relentless striving towards really high standards for ourselves and/or others. We then judge our self-worth based mostly on our ability to achieve such ruthless standards. Finally, we suffer from negative consequences of setting such demanding goals, but we continue to go for them anyway.

It’s a vicious cycle, and a perfectionist can’t prevent himself from getting to the following stages of it. This makes him more and more frustrated, unhappy, and “toxic” to the people he is with.

Test yourself

If you feel you might suffer from perfectionism, you can check out some tests that are available online. You can also decide if you are one simply by asking yourself if setting high standards and striving for them makes you and people around you unhappy.

Ways to deal with the problem

Quote of the month

“If it weren’t for our ability to think logically and deeply, we humans might still be living in caves. But with every good thing comes the tendency to abuse it, and once you’ve turned on the machinery of thought, it can be hard to turn it off. Sometimes this leads to overthinking, which can cripple your productivity.” — Laura Stack

Meet the (imperfect) Productive! Magazine team :)

Execution: Magda Błaszczyk
Editing: James Tonn, Emily Derr, McKinley Coles and Daniella Conley
Design: Radek Kozieł
Technology: Radek Pietruszewski and Tomasz Kapelak
Video editing: Rafał Meszka
Vision (that’s me!): Michael Sliwinski

Michael sliwinski

Michael Sliwinski

Michael Sliwinski is the editor of the Productive! Magazine, the founder of Nozbe (a time and project management application for busy professionals) and of Remag (complete solution enabling bloggers to easily create their own magazine-like-apps). Michael is the best-selling author of #iPadOnly and It’s All About Passion.

Visit Michael's blog Follow @MSliwinski on Twitter Check out his book: #iPadOnly